Is Rosemary Safe For Cats? Cat owners frequently discover their felines nibbling on items they are unsure of. It has the potential to be distressing. After all, we don’t want our pets to be in danger due to our inexperience. One such dilemma for cat owners is whether or not to allow their cats to eat Rosemary. Many herbs are harmful to cats and dogs, putting Rosemary in jeopardy.

Many plants are hazardous to animals; while ingestion of certain plants may not result in instant death, digestive distress is a common sign.

The most common symptom appears to be digestive discomfort; however, sometimes the reaction is more allergic, such as dermatitis or irritation and inflammation of the mouth and throat.

Is Rosemary good for cats to eat?

Is Rosemary Safe For Cats

Yes, cats can consume Rosemary without harming themselves, and it may provide your cat with a few dietary advantages. Just make sure you give your modest cat amounts of Rosemary as a treat rather than as a regular diet.

Before feeding your cat any human foods, including Rosemary, always with your veterinarian. Here’s all you need to know about giving Rosemary to cats.

Is Rosemary safe to cats and kittens? 

If your cat wants some fresh rosemary for your roast potatoes, you might be wondering. Is Rosemary safe for cats to eat, just like humans? Or are you inclined to season your cat’s chicken with Rosemary? Or perhaps you want to plant Rosemary in your garden. However, you are unsure if Rosemary is safe for cats. This ambiguity is why, despite their remorse, responsible cat owners refuse to offer their fluffy companions any rosemary, even if they meow and beg the entire while they are cutting Rosemary on the kitchen table.

It’s excellent that you’re taking precautions. It’s no secret that human nutritional requirements differ significantly from those of cats, which is why many human foods, such as onion, garlic, and chocolate, maybe fatal to cats. As a result, before giving your human-cat food, double-check that it is safe for cats.

A description of Rosemary’s origins and characteristics

Rosemary is a culinary herb with various medical properties that originated in the Mediterranean region. It’s famous for garnishing and imparting a woodsy, citrusy flavor to multiple dishes, including steaks, soups, etc. You’ve likely been utilizing it as well. If you keep cats, you may have wondered if Rosemary is safe for them at some point.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), a Mediterranean native, is a perennial that grows in USDA plant hardiness zones 8 through 10. It is treated as an annual in other places. The leaves of this culinary herb are tough and have a pungent odor. Its odor repels deer and various insects, so it may not be appealing to your pet. However, keep an eye on your pet because it can cause disease in some cases.

Toxicity of the plant

Rosemary is not on the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals’ lists of hazardous plants for dogs or cats, and it is not toxic to pets. It does, however, contain dangerous oils that, if ingested in high amounts, might produce stomach distress or nervous system depression. Rosemary oil is occasionally used as a topical treatment or in aromatherapy, and animals and humans should never ingest it internally.

Size of the Rosemary plant

Keep the mature size of the plant in mind when choosing rosemary types. Most rosemary cultivars tend to be bushy, upright shrubs with 4 to 6 feet. Prostrate plants are compact and sprawl on the ground, in rock gardens, and on ledges. Because it is smaller, the sprawling variety may be a better choice if you are concerned about your pet’s safety. Prostrate rosemary cultivars only reach a height of 1 to 2 feet, and to shorten the height of good types, they should be pruned.

Growing Conditions

You’ll find Rosemary to be a low-maintenance herb once you’ve determined that your pet isn’t interested in it or have prepared to cultivate it securely. Rosemary prefers full sun and well-drained soil to thrive. Once planted, it requires little fertilizer and is drought tolerant, and soggy soils kill it faster than anything else. Rosemary blooms in blue, white, or pink. Fresh or dried prickly leaves can be utilized in casseroles, soups, and meat recipes. Plants that are pruned regularly become compact and full.


The intense flavor of Rosemary deters most animals from eating more than one bite. If your cat or dog prefers this plant, keep it in a pot out of your pet’s reach. A few nibbles aren’t going to hurt you, but indiscriminate snacking might. It’s also a good idea to keep the size of your planting to a minimum. If you only have one plant for culinary purposes, your pet is unlikely to be harmed. In warm Mediterranean areas, Rosemary is commonly used as a hedge. The dangers of Rosemary to a curious pet increase when it is utilized liberally in a landscape.

Can Cats Eat Rosemary Plant?

Is Rosemary Safe For Cats, can cats eat rosemary

You might want to plant a rosemary garden, but you want to make sure it’s safe for your cat, or you’ve suddenly noticed your cat snacking on Rosemary and are concerned that something terrible will happen to them relax. There is no need to be worried about the harm that has been done to your cat. Rosemary is not poisonous to cats and will not harm them if consumed in moderation. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), Rosemary is not toxic to cats, dogs, and horses. It is the other way round—Rosemary has considerable health benefits for cats.  

 It’s a high herb in Vitamin A and C and folate and calcium. Rosemary has been used to aid cats with digestive problems in the past. In some cases, Rosemary could be utilized as a part of a therapeutic plan to combat inflammation. A cat’s coat and skin condition may also be improved by using this plant.

It is entirely safe to consume as long as only a tiny amount is consumed. It has a pungent odor that makes it difficult for animals to consume significant amounts. This means that your cat won’t be able to gnaw on enough of the plant to cause damage or danger. Because cats are carnivores, there’s a minimal chance the cat will swallow a significant amount of Rosemary, even if it nibbles on it out of curiosity.

What is the safest way to give my cat Rosemary?

Cats are carnivores, implying that meat should make up the majority of their diet. As a result, make sure you only give your cat Rosemary a special treat and not a regular part of his diet.

It’s also worth noting that the natural oils in Rosemary can often upset a cat’s stomach. Always keep an eye on your cat while eating human food if they have an allergic reaction or have trouble eating it, especially Rosemary. If you decide to feed your cat rosemary or your regular veterinarian recommends it, make sure you only give your cat a small amount. Try cutting it up finely and mixing it with your cat’s regular food, or simply letting your cat try a small quantity straight from your hand.

If your cat has any bad reactions to his cat food and it contains rosemary extract, make an appointment with your veterinarian right away to ensure your cat does not have a rosemary allergy or sensitivity.

Why my cat eats so much Rosemary?

Your cat can consume Rosemary since it is flavorful, non-toxic, and possesses flea-repellent properties.

Cats often dislike Rosemary, and the herb is commonly used as a cat deterrent in gardens. On the other hand, some cats love Rosemary for its anti-flea properties. Rosemary has no medicinal use, yet it is delicious and non-toxic to cats.

The primary reason your cat eats Rosemary is because of its personality. It’s hard to predict a cat’s behavior; while most cats dislike Rosemary, there will always be one outlier that enjoys chewing on it.

If a cat consumes Rosemary in moderation, it will cause no harm. However, you must make sure your cat does not take too much Rosemary, as this might cause stomach issues. It has a strong odor, which keeps cats from eating large amounts of it. This means your cat won’t be able to bite on enough of the plant to harm it or put it in danger.

Can Rosemary Make Cats High?

Rosemary can make cats high, causing them to become lively and energetic before falling asleep.

The compound that plays the most crucial role in the Rosemary effect in domestic cats, according to Jim Simon, a professor of plant biology and co-director of Rutgers University’s Centre for Sensory Sciences and Innovation in New Brunswick, New Jersey, is nepetalactone, which is produced in specialized glands in Rosemary’s leaves and flowers.

When you buy Rosemary from a nursery, it’s usually a hybrid that’s meant to be attractive; they don’t attract cats since they’re low in nepetalactone. Other compounds in Rosemary have comparable molecular structures to nepetalactone, and some can even trigger a response on their own.

Nonetheless, nepetalactone is the most potent. Because it attaches to receptors in cats’ nostrils, nepetalactone’s odor attracts them and encourages them to behave euphorically.

A cat’s reaction to Rosemary appears similar to a human’s response to a narcotic chemical on the surface. They get agitated and playful, then excited, and finally fall asleep. However, there’s no evidence that Rosemary operates in the same way as medicinal cannabis, marijuana, or cocaine do.

While cats appear to like rolling about in Rosemary, scientists are unsure what’s happening in their heads or how the herb affects them. The benefits of catnip rosemary are decreased or even removed when cats are given medications like naloxone, which inhibit opioid receptors in the central nervous system, showing that opioid receptors are involved.

Can Rosemary Extract cause seizures in cats?

Yes, rosemary extract can trigger seizures in cats, so it should only be given with a veterinarian’s approval.

While veterinarians reported that particular cat food created neurological problems, tests found that one batch was deficient in Vitamin B1 (thiamine).

Still, rosemary extract, a natural neurotoxin, could be the source of the problem in cats’ diets. Adverse reactions, such as seizures or other symptoms, may take longer to appear, complicating diagnosis.

Seizures, allergies, and brain function concerns have grown since cat food manufacturers began adding rosemary extracts and other ingredients that aren’t meant for carnivores. The hazards of Rosemary and other plants are unknown to many veterinarians.

Herbs have become a common ingredient in pet food, which many vets are unaware of. Unfortunately, a veterinarian may treat a cat for epilepsy without ever suspecting the origin of the seizures. Although phenobarbital can control or reduce seizures, the animal will continue to eat it, causing neurological harm.

Almost every reference to herbal use includes the phrase “herbal extracts should be used under the supervision of a healthcare practitioner.” Because of the volatile oil concentration, allergic reactions have been recorded. According to experts, we should avoid artificially colored kibble and treats and instead choose organically certified, frozen, freeze-dried, or preservative-free canned foods.

Benefits of Rosemary For cats

You’ll be astonished at how helpful some herbs can be for your fluff ball, both medicinally and nutritionally. Rosemary is one of the herbs that is good for cats.

Rosemary is high in antioxidants, which can positively impact your cat’s health.

Rosemary is a fragrant herb high in vitamins A and C, iron, calcium, folate, and manganese. It is also non-toxic, according to the ASPCA. 

The following are some of the benefits of Rosemary for your cat when used in the proper amount: –

  • Enhance digestion
  • Because antioxidants protect your pets from free radicals, Rosmanol is the most well-known of these antioxidants, as it aids in the battle against cancer cells. It can also help your cat recuperate faster if they are wounded.
  • Carnosic acid, abundant in Rosemary, can protect the brain from free radical damage. Ursolic acid, which promotes muscle growth, and betulinic acid, which acts as an anti-inflammatory, are also present.
  • Rosemary contains camphor. This can help repel mosquitoes and other pests, lowering your pet’s chance of contracting certain parasites. 
  • They will have better skin and coat health. 
  • They will also have better eyesight.
  • Its antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic characteristics help it combat infections.

Rosemary essential oil for Cats

Rosemary oil is healthy for cats, but only when applied to their bodies and not consumed. For aromatherapy and topically applied benefits, rosemary oil is a popular choice, and Rosemary is one of the few essential oils considered cat-friendly.

It is a great flea repellant and a source of relaxation when kept around pets. While using rosemary oil in a diluted form around cats is harmless, caution is essential when using essential oils with cats, such as Rosemary. These animals are carnivores with digestive systems that differ from ours.

Some of the compounds in these oils are too powerful to deal with, and this is why you should keep a check on your pet to make sure they aren’t consuming rosemary oil. Cats also have fragile skin, allowing toxins to be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream. When you use the oil as a topical treatment, you can see the results right away.

While cats are safe to use rosemary oil, it’s essential to watch them avoid any negative responses.

Symptoms of Rosemary illness

If your cat has overeaten Rosemary, or even if a modest amount was too much for her, she might show the following signs of illness:

  • Regurgitation: The ticklish sensation of rosemary leaves may cause regurgitation.
  • Stomach upset: Digesting a considerable amount of Rosemary’s fibrous nature is difficult for cats and may take some time. Your cat will appear anxious till that time comes.
  • Diarrhea: Your cat’s stomach may be upset, resulting in diarrhea. Dehydration can also occur when diarrhea is combined with vomiting.
  • Depression: Excessive ingestion of Rosemary, which includes volatile oils, may send your fluff bag into a state of despair.

The Verdict

Don’t worry if you’ve already caught your cat eating your rosemary plant; it won’t harm them. You’ll have a massive mess in the litter box to clean up in the worst-case scenario.

You should probably urge your cat to consume as much Rosemary as their stomach can manage, as it has numerous health benefits. However, because many animals can’t handle the taste or scent of the item, it’s unlikely that your cat will listen to you. We hope that your questions about “is rosemary safe for cats” have been answered.
